Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Some recent adventures

My travel buddy holding a really big gun at the Sultan's Armed Service Museum. Oman has strong military ties to Great Briton and allot of the antique weaponry we saw is from there. I know, her savage demeanor is frightening.

Some Omani taxi drivers playing cards on the sidewalk waiting for fares.        
Standing outside the Royal Palace on my last night in Mutrah...the palace itself is in old Muscat. I took a cab there at night and the driver actually got out with me and looked around the grounds as he "had not been there for many days." He took the picture.

 It is a grand structure with the back side build right into the mountain-side.


  1. I've been sitting in on allot of lectures for the past couple of days on various subjects...history, media,health expect a big post where I'm going to share everything I have learned so far in the classroom setting...don't worry, I'll keep it interesting. Also, I move in with my host family today. They are picking me up at 2:00, so in about 45 minutes.

  2. I hope your move went well. I enjoyed looking at all your pictures. Miss and love you. Can't wait to hear more about your adventures!!
